
The weekend was not so good... I'd rather not get into it. But can someone tell me why one would keep a scorecard and think that it is a good way of keeping a friendship? I just know that I would never deliberatly hurt someone. If anything, I would feel bad for not realizing that my comment or my action was hurtful. And I would hope that they would know me well enough to know that I prefer to listen and work things out instead of arguing. The only good thing was talking to Julian for most of the weekend... Saturday, Amanda brought me two bags of food that she cannot eat because of her bodybuilding diet. I was so thankful. In the evening I went over for dinner at Alex's place. So I finally got to meet his boyfriend, Greg! They make a very nice couple. It was cool hanging out with them and just watching TV. I had picked up dessert and it was so yummy; apple crumble!! mmm As for Sunday, it was okay. Called a couple of friends from back home and my mom. I can just imagine how much my phone bill is going to be next month... Yikes!!!


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