I actually got to the airport on time, the highway was moving very well... I guess my prayers were answered! I get my boarding pass and they tell me that there is a delay and we will be leaving at 8pm instead of 6. I'm okay with that. Seems normal that there would be a delay, afterall we had a major snow storm the day before in which the airport had to shut down! So I spend some time with Buddy outside. closer to 8 I clear security with Buddy and go wait to get boarded on the plane. 8 o'clock comes around and we're told it will be another hour. 9 o'clock comes... "waiting for the plane to get here"...10! rolls around "the plane should be here soon." Our flight only left at 11:something. But again, we were very lucky that it was just a delay. Other airlines like JetsGo actually cancelled there flight! Thank gawd I decided to book with CanJet!! So I only got to Moncton at around 2 am... picked up my car rental and drove to my parent's place. I was so dam tired!
But I managed to wake up at 10:30 this morning. I had promised my mom that we would go shopping. I also had a couple of people left on my Noël shopping list. Afterwards my mom came with me to drop off some gifts for baby Jesus and baby Sara. It was nice seeing Charlotte and her family again! Poor little Sara was coming down with a cold or something. Diane's mom and dad dropped by while we were visiting. Baby Jesus was fascinated with my mom! He kept wanting to go sit on her lap and play with some button on my mom's jacket. It was so cute. He was also saying words such as: "cra-ckers" and "app-le". He is sooo adorable! In the evening I finished wrapping up all of my presents. We make such a big deal and stress over Christmas day -- a big money racket if you ask me. But at the end, I love this day because it's all about visiting family and friends, givings gifts to them and see them smile.
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